Saturday, April 17, 2010

Eli Roth...

in a pool, naked, showing off his ass. BOOOOOOOOOOOOONEZONE. Christ almighty.

Full On Creep Mode in the Sunset.

Dude in the turquoise hoodie and dork glasses crossing 19th that I just saw out of my window? BONEZONE

Here's the deal. I know it makes me a full on creep, but this is the view from my room:

As you can see, I have a view of both the 28 stop that goes in the direction of SF State as well as the inbound N stop, and it's a pretty busy pedestrian intersection for the stops going in the other directions. And I'm not gonna lie, it's a fucking hottie parade out there. I have definitely been inebriated and shamelessly catcalling from my window before. I'm awful, I know.

On a related note, I totally got to the bonezone a couple of weeks ago and forgot to close my curtains. I choose to think of it as my way of giving back to the neighborhood. Ha.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Music for the BoneZone: Peter Gabriel

Peter Gabriel writes songs that make ME want to fall in love. That should indicate the kinds of magical BoneZone powers this man has. Like "I would look you in the eyes while we fuck" kinds of powers. Cause as well all know, I hate intimacy. But MAGIC PETER GABRIEL POWERS! Bam, there I am, trying to connect with you on some emotional level or something. WHO AM I?

(Also this video is from 1994. Way to rock those skinny jeans before the trend Peter!)

My favorite Peter Gabriel song ever. Also, Peter circa '78: BONEZONE

How could I not include this one? It's like the original misfit/weirdo BoneZone jam.

This one is just epic. Epically BONE-worthy.

On a related note, if you come upon me listening to Peter Gabriel and you ask "Why are you listening to Phil Collins?" you are AUTOMATICALLY DISQUALIFIED from my BoneZone FOREVER.

Friday, April 9, 2010


If you spit some line about how you're "great at eating pussy" to try to get into my bonezone, it will have the complete opposite effect. Seriously, that makes my vagina want to shrivel up and crawl inside of itself. Barf.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

East Bay Bonezone

So I basically already knew this from my recent dating history, but
last night totally confirmed this. Boys from Oakland are waaaay more
in my Bonezone than boys in the city. What the hell SF? Get with it.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Texts from Tonight: "Marie is Kinda Scary" Edition

Garrett: So are you gonna give him a ride on the ol mustache?
Marie: Shit yeah I am. Haha.
Garrett: Hahaha.
Marie: Then I'll knock him up with like 10 of my babies.
Garrett: You would get a guy prego. Lol.
Marie: Haha. I know. If anyone can do it I'm pretty sure it will be me.
Garrett: It's true.

Oh. My.

Hot Dudes on Bikes
Best website ever? Y/Y?
BONEZONE all over the place. Good grief.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Sometimes I think I write the cards on "SomeEcards" in my sleep...

Cause damn if they aren't totally on the nose.